You will find here articles I wrote about flight training. Useful? You are the judge. Head to my CFI Site for more.
- Practical Test. What to expect and a checklist.
- Glidepaths, how many? Can you list all possible types of glidepaths?
- How to level off at MDA? Consider options how to fly coupled non-precision approaches.
- Envelope Extension Maneuvers: Should you train like you fly?
- Activate and Vectors. What is that fuzz about activating approaches and activate vector to final?
- Who needs a VDP. All Bay Area airports had low visibility due to smoke. Do you need to worry about it when you fly an instrument approach?
- Cirrus Perspective Departure Configuration. So many things to set up before takeoff. Do you know what to do?
- IFR Approach in a Cirrus Perspective. Simple approach, should be easy. Find out if you missed any steps.
- Course Selection using OBS. Ah, the magic OBS button. This is with GNS430, but the same concepts apply to G1000 and Perspective.
- Auto-sequencing and OBS. It automatically sequences you to the next waypoint. What if you don’t want it?
- GNS430 default page. You are not flying on the map page, are you?